Okay kids...this is my first time participating in a "I Heart Faces" challenge so don't be too rough on me, kay? This week's theme is "Self-Portraiture" either by yourself or with a kiddie. I decided to try and get a shot for both categories.
Here are the rules:
Kids Category: A portrait of You and one (or all) of your children or You and a child you know.
For this challenge, you have to take the photo and you have to be holding the camera. You cannot use a tripod to help you. (This should be fun!)
And here is my entry!

I hope you like it! I took it in vanity mirror of our truck. Colie was sleeping in the back so I got Davey to turn her car seat around once we were parked so I could snap some shots with her in them. I was worried she would wake up and cry before I got the picture. Can you tell? ;-)
Just for fun, I decided to make the visor black and white in Photoshop and I just left the image of the two of us in the mirror in color. I thought it put the emphasis more on us and helped make the visor itself a bit less distracting.
For more fun photos be sure to check out the I Heart Faces site.
Thanks and until next time...
SO creative!! I LOVE IT!!!!
Aww it so cute!!
Fantastic! Love this shot - can't believe what a clear and sharp image you got in a vanity mirror - that's talent, girl!
Great shot! Made me smile :)
You are sooooooo good!! I love both shots!!
I just saw a clip from PeeWee Herman dancing to Tequila! Do you remember someone who was really good at imitating PeeWee? And no, we both know it wasn't me... Every time I've heard mention of PeeWee Herman over the years, my mind immediately went to that person who was sooooo good at doing the PeeWee Herman.
so cute!
Great idea! Very cute shot.
What an adorable, creative shot - I cant believe how beautifully clear it is even in that little mirror! :-)
Thank-you everyone!! Wow, you are all so nice.
And, yes W.W. -- I do Do a mean Pee Wee Herman. LOL! :)
Love this! Very creative shot!
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