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Broccoli Directions:
Well, I bought the chicken on sale: $10 for 6 breasts. I'm not doing that anymore. I find that cheapo chicken is just rubbery and gross. But, that's not Sandra Lee's fault. Also, it took way longer than 3-4 minutes per side to cook the chicken. Way. Longer. And, one other little note: I did not include the chile pepper.
The sauce was pretty good. I was surprised how it did thicken up nicely. Probably if I had used some nice, fresh, organic chicken this would have been pretty good. As it was, I just couldn't get past the gross chicken. Dave said he liked it, both the girls ate it, and it sure did look pretty on the plate.
The broccoli on the other hand was a huge mistake. None of us liked the lemon flavour. We just like broccoli to taste like broccoli, I guess. Maddie, who normally loves the little green "trees", kept trying different pieces and saying, "Ewww, there's something icky on this one. Ewww, there's something icky on this one, too. Ewww. Do I have to eat my broccoli tonight?"
The second side was prepackaged chicken rice which Sandra Lee actually recommended serving with this dinner. This got 2 thumbs up from both kids who loved it. I hate prepackaged crap: the list of "ingredients" on the packages frightens me to no end. Figures that this was their favourite part of the dinner! I kept thinking, Chef Ramsey or Jamie Oliver would have shuddered to see me making it. Well, I now have both of their cook-books so maybe I'll post something from one of them next week.
For other recipe ideas please check out Shan's Tales From the Fairy Blogmother and feel free to add your own while you are there!
[I told Dave that I was doing this and that I was trying to come up with 7 "interesting" facts about me. I asked him if he could think of anything. He quickly said, "How about the fact that no other person in this world has ever heard you fart". Uhhh...okay...thanks honey]
So, there you have it.
Now I have to tag 7 other people. I really don't even know 7 other bloggers, so I'll have to borrow some of them:
(Of course) the wonderful Shan, at The Fairy BlogMother
and my lovely friend Simone, at Widney Woman
and the beautiful Michelle, at Bleeding Espresso
and I think I'll tag the clever Jen, at A2eatwrite
and the adorable Leah, at Laughing Leah Loves Lillies
and the brave Kellan, at On The Upside
and cool Karen, at Virtually There.
Thanks again, Storm. I really didn't have much else to say today. :)
Okay, so I didn't bother with the mint because while it looks really pretty in the cake I just know Maddie would have hated that. Also, I had no orange flavoured liqueur hanging around and even though it's such a small amount...probably shouldn't be giving booze to the kiddos. I did have orange extract, though...so I used that in the Cool Whip. The brand of mine is "Frontier" but I don't remember now where I got it...probably from "Goodness Me".
Verdict: yummo.
So simple and easy and really impressive looking. Well, mine is a bit messy (Sandra Lee swirled her Cool Whip and I just spiked it. The swirls are prettier. Plus, Sandra had all the little hits of green from the mint in hers - which also makes it look prettier). This would be great if you needed to bring a dessert to someone's house but you really had no time. They'd think you slaved over it all day! Dave thought it would be even better with fresh strawberries and that would probably be true but only if you added sugar and water to them and let them sit for a bit to get all nice and squishy. You need there to be some sugary syrup around them to seep into the cake.
Please head on over to The Fairy BlogMother's site for more great recipe ideas and to maybe even add one yourself: we'd love to have you play, too!