Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thankful Thursday
So, here is my list of 5 things I am Thankful for this Thursday:
1) My bed. I love my bed. You may remember it is fairly new. It was a surprise from my darling hubby, Davey. It is huge and squishy and, as Little Miss Muffet may have said, "Just Right". I've always enjoyed bedtime (perhaps more than I should) and now that I am preggers and I have a little kiddo, literally, kicking me in my lower left ribs several times a day and just, generally, tuckering me out, I'm loving my bed even more. I love to get into my bed, turn on my reading light, and start into one of the 20-30 books I have on my bedside table. Unfortunately (or, fortunately...) I never get passed a page or two because before you know it, it's 4 in the morning and I'm getting up to go pee. Good thing Davey turns off my reading light for me every night.
2) Books. I love books. I love, love, love, any sort of craft book. I've learned all about stained glass arts, jewelry making, bead making, candle making, wreath making, soap making (bars and liquid), scrapbooking (paper and digital), pillows, quilting, knitting, loom knitting, photography, kids crafts, crafts for pets, crafts for babies, jeez...just about everything you can think of, I've "studied it". One day I will put my love of all things crafty to use. One day. But, until then I will just say that I am thankful for all my great books and also for...
3) The Public Library System. I cannot even believe that I can just go on the internet, do a search for whatever book I want, and they will kindly send my books to the most convenient local library of my choice. All for free. How great is that? Now, sometimes they don't have the book I really, really, want and, rarely, there may be a bit of a line forming under the "requests" function but for a completely free service it is unbelievable. Often I will find I love the book so much I just have to have my own copy and then I turn to my on-line shopping cart at Chapters (to whom I am also grateful for their free and speedy shipping). But, for today, my shout-out of gratefulness is to the Library.
4) My fireplace. I am so lucky that I have a house with a fireplace. There is nothing better than snuggling up on the couch, with my legs up on Davey's lap, reading one of my many craft books, in front of the hot, crackling, fire. Dave wants to change it over to gas and I guess that will be okay, too, but I sure do love a real fire. It is so pretty and so nice and I am really thankful to have it.
5) Davey. I am very thankful for Davey. He is the best. He is such a great father and he is so involved with his girls. He does so much for them (too much, at times...I think), and a lot for me too. He is just always willing to "do stuff" for us. He used to always run to Tim Hortons every morning to get me a coffee...and he doesn't even drink coffee. He would go all that way just for me. He lets me put my huge, heavy, legs on top of him every night when we sit in front of our fire. He always helps me get my huge, heavy, butt off that couch at the end of the night -- he always, always, always, comes over with his hand out to help me up (actually, he does that even when I'm not pregnant). If there is ever something we really want...he'll get it for us. Even if it isn't always terribly practical or very cheap (my new mixer, my new food processor, my glass grinder...). He works very, very, hard for a living and I definitely appreciate that he works that hard for us, his family. His girls. He is a really pretty special, wonderful, guy and I am very, very, thankful for him. Love you, Davey. xo.
And that's my Thankful Thursday list of 5. What's yours??
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Homemade Multigrain Bread
On with the recipe!
- 1 cup seven-grain hot cereal mix (Red Hill is recommended)
- 2 cups boiling water {For an accurate measurement of boiling water, bring a full kettle of water to a boil, then measure out the desired amount)
- 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and cooled, plus extra for brushing
- 3 tablespoons honey
- 2 1/2-3 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 cup whole wheat flour
- 1 envelope instant or rapid-rise yeast
- 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
- 1/2 cup unsalted pumpkin or sunflower seeds
- 1/4 cup old-fashioned rolled oats or quick-cooking oats
- Stir the cereal mix and boiling water together in a medium bowl and let stand, stirring occasionally, until the mixture resembles a thick porridge and is just warm (about 110 degrees), about 30 minutes. Stir in the melted butter and honey.
- Combine 2 1/2 cups of the all-purpose flour, whole wheat flour, yeast, and salt in a standing mixer (like a lovely white Brand New Artisan, perhaps) fitted with the dough hook. With the mixer on low speed, add the cereal mixture and mix until the dough comes together, about 2 minutes.
- Increase the mixer speed to medium-low and knead until the dough is smooth and elastic, about 8 minutes, adding the seeds during the final minute of mixing. If after 4 minutes more flour is needed, add the remaining 1/2 cup flour, 2 tablespoons at a time, until the dough clears the sides of the bowl but sticks to the bottom.
- Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured counter and knead by hand to form a smooth, round ball. Place the dough in a large, lightly oiled bowl and cover with greased plastic wrap. Let rise in a warm place until doubled in size, 1 to 1 1/2 hours.
- Grease a 9 by 5-inch loaf pan. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured counter and gently press it into a 9-inch square. Roll the dough into a tight cylinder and pinch the seam closed. Place the loaf, seam side down, in the prepared pan. Mist the loaf with vegetable oil spray, cover loosely with plastic wrap, and let rise in a warm place until nearly doubled in size and the dough barely springs back when poked with a knuckle, 45 to 75 minutes.

- Adjust an oven rack to the lower-middle position and heat the oven to 350 degrees. Brush the loaf lightly with melted butter, sprinkle with oats, then spray lightly with water. Bake until golden and the center of the bread registers 200 degrees on an instant-read thermometer, 40 to 50 minutes, rotating the loaf halfway through baking. Cool the loaf in the pan for 15 minutes, then flip out onto a wire rack and let cool to room temperature, about 2 hours, before serving.

This was the first loaf of bread I've made that actually worked! I was so excited. It was a bit of an all-day affair (with all the waiting around for it to rise, etc.), but it wasn't really very much work at all. And, the house smelled mah-velous! I did cook it with the oven rack on the lower-middle position -- and the bottom of the loaf came out a bit burned. So, next time I would raise the rack probably for about the last 15 minutes of cooking time. And, I didn't have a pastry brush so I just kind of mushed the butter on top of the bread with my fingers and, as you can see, the oats didn't stick on to the top very well. I don't know if the pastry brush would have helped them stick better(?). But, the bread did taste very good. I mean, it is multi-grain bread so don't go expecting melt-in-your-mouth, buttery, fluffy, homemade white bread kind of a thing...but if you like multi-grain (and we do) it is very good.
But, more importantly...
isn't my mixer pretty?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Jamie's Special Day!

Monday, November 10, 2008
And Baby Makes Three (girls!!)
So, anyway, I must say that I ~still~ don't have any bloggy time! I have to work on my assignment for Landscape Design now, as well as my actual Landscape Design project...which is unfortunate because what I really want to do is snuggle up in front of the fire, re-lax, and read some craft books, maybe do some knitting, and also post a million pictures on my blog here.

But, for now, let me just quickly say that the 3-D Ultrasound appointment on Friday rocked. It was so completely cool, amazing, and wonderful. I got to lay back in a nice big reclining chair while Dave got comfy on the huge couch beside me and we both watched what was unfolding on the wide screen t.v. mounted on the wall in front of us. It was pretty surreal. You could see everything so well - count the toes, and the fingers, see the hair and, very clearly, see that we are having...

Yep, we make girls. I was wrong and the five of you who voted "girl" in my little poll were right. I can live with that. But, why...why little baby-girl one won't you let mommy enjoy her cup of coffee?? Maddie and Jamie both let me enjoy my one cup of Timmie's a day...but not you. That's okay. I'll forgive you because you are so completely adorable and cute already. You are in your 28th week and you are completely squished up inside of me. Your little legs are straight up in front of your head...all the time. Even when the Sonographer-man tried to wiggle your little legs away from your head, you weren't having any of it and there your toes stayed...right on top of the hair that is already on top of your little head. That made it hard for him to get nice, clear, shots of your face so he had to keep "slicing in" to the picture to cut out the area of your legs and try to just see your face (it was amazing to see what the equipment could do). And boy, or GIRL, can you kick! Kick! Kick! Kick! Kick! Kick!

You do it all the time. The man doing the 3-D was laughing at how much you were kicking me. He was amazed. And, as we found out, my placenta is at the back so there is really no cushion between me and your feeties. I can see it, I can feel it, and you wake me up every night with it. But, again, that's cool.

'Cuz you're my little girl and I love you already.

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thankful Thursday.
According to research in Thanks! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier, regularly writing down what you're grateful for can increase your level of happiness by about 25 percent. (So can a chocolate martini, but we couldn't find that in the self-help aisle.)
Okay, i'm game. And since I can't have the chocolate martini (but, man, that does sound good) I'll go ahead and post 5 things I'm grateful for. I'd say this could be "Thankful Thursday" or something like that...but I tend not to ever stick to any of those sort of bloggy schedules (as much as I'd really like to). My pal Shan over at the Fairy Blogmother is the disciplined one, not me. Anyway...
Five Things I'm grateful for This Week:
1) I'm done work. Thank you baby Jesus.
2) I was kept up for an hour and a half last night by this kid inside of me kicking up a frickin' storm. How wonderful is that?
3) I just love my little family - they are all really pretty special people and I'm so lucky to have them.
4) My new truck. So nice. And so much less embarrassing to drive than my wagon was.
5) My friends. My oldest friend in the world who I hardly ever get to see, but who I know I could call up anytime and she would be there if I needed her. I've known her since I was not much older than Maddie. Incredible!
My distant friends who I hardly ever get to see, but who I still hold dear in my heart (one of them has a blog of her own, so that helps me to keep in touch with her life and keeps her in touch with mine. She is a really amazing person and and she has been so much support to me over these past few weeks, she'll never even know). The other one is a serious procrastinator and is beginning to tick me off, but I love her anyway.
My bloggy friend, and neighbour, who is much cooler than she even realizes (doncha' just love women like that?) and is one of the best moms I've ever known. She and I are destined for a rockin' night of debauchery one of these days...I can just feel it.
And, my "work" friends...some of which I don't actually even work with anymore, others left my work and then convinced me to come follow them. They're all the ones that you had so much fun with, you just can't put them behind you. You know?
Oh, and a special mention here to my "multi-tasking" friend...my former co-worker, my current co-worker, my match-maker, and my SIL. She's is such a wonderful person that you end up liking her despite the fact she used to model (and still could, except she is too busy being a total brainiac on top of it all).
Thanks to all of you for being who you are.
And...that will close out this week's (lol) Thankful Thursday.
If you wanna play along...let me know. I'd love to see your list.
Wanna see some pics of some of those friend's cute babies?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Dreaming of You.
Two posts today. That's for a couple of reasons.
- I have a TON of homework to do. It is really way too much for me to possibly get done and so I am feeling completely overwhelmed by it and I'm hiding out on the computer.
- I have my 3-D ultrasound in 2 DAYS!! I'm pretty excited about this and I'm so looking forward to finding out whether we will be adding a third little girl to the group, or switching things up and tossing a boy in there.
So, let me just share with you this dream I had last night {dontcha just hate it when people tell you their dreams. It is soooo boring. Anyway...as I was saying...ha ha ha}...
I was at the ultrasound appointment and the woman doing the ultrasound announced, "Well, it looks like you are having triplets!".
me: Triplets?!?!
tech: Yes. There are three in there! Two of them are girls, but it's hard to see what the third one is. Oh, wait! Yes, there, I can see now. It's...a...boy! He is much smaller than the other two, though, so I'm a bit worried about him. We'll have to keep a close eye on him. He is doing fine and he is actually fully grown, but he is just still much smaller than the other two. Don't worry, though, everything is going to be alright.
Then she turned the volume on so we could hear all their heartbeats and I could hear the one girl say to the other girl, "Hey, Maddie, wanna play something?"
Then I woke up.
I thought to myself, "Triplets?! Well, that was a dumb dream because I'm obviously not having triplets". It took me a second to remember the part about the "Jamie-girl" speaking to the "Maddie-girl".
So...could it be that the two girls were simply Jamie and Maddie and this third one will be a boy?
Is the dream prophetic or just, well, a dream?
We will see.
Honestly, I think we are probably having a third girl just because the woman at the second ultrasound couldn't "see any boy parts". I think she probably knew it was a girl, but she just didn't tell us. She probably thought we would be devastated because we already have two girls, or something. But, that is not the case at all. Dave said he is actually, kind of, in a way, hoping it is another girl. Probably just because the two we have worship him so much! Plus, we know what we are doing with a girl. And girls are so cute and have all the best clothes...
But, still, I was so sure it was a boy for so long...I think there is a part of me that still thinks so. Well, apparently there is, because now I've started to dream about "him"!
2 more days.
2 more days!!
Pumpkin Patch Cupcakes!
- Cut the licorice twists into pieces for the pumpkin stems. Tint the vanilla frosting orange with the food coloring. Tint 1/2 cup of the orange frosting a darker shade of orange with more food coloring, and spoon into a ziplock bag. Press out the excess air, seal the bag, set aside.
- Place the orange decorating sugar in a shallow bowl. Spread the lighter orange frosting on top of the cupcakes, mounding it slightly. Starting on the edge, roll the cupcake tops in the sugar to cover completely.
- Use a wooden skewer to mark ridges in the top of each cupcakes. Starting in the center or slightly off center, lightly press the skewer down toward the top of the paper liner to create 5 or 6 indentations. Snip a 1/16-inch corner from the bag with the darker orange frosting and pipe a line in each indentation to make the ribs. Insert a cut green twist for the stem. Arrange the cupcakes on a serving platter or a cutting board and add the green licorice laces, trimmed to various lengths for tendrils.
As you can see, I could not find any green licorice so I got black instead. I also could not find any licorice laces in any color. I even went to Fortinos hoping I would be able to get all my ingredients in one stop. No such luck. They didn't even have any orange decorating sugar so I had to pick that up at Michael's instead. Ah well...they still came out looking mighty cute, I think. One of my guests even said, "Oh! I totally didn't think those were real! I thought they were made out of ceramic or something and they were just for decoration".
Surprisingly, I didn't think the cupcakes really tasted very pumpkin-y really so next year, if I were to make them again, I may add a bit more of the pumpkin pie spice. But, the grown-ups and the kids both loved them and thought they were great. Super easy and lots of fun to make, too!
Still got the pumpkin bug? Well, be sure to head over to the Fairy Blogmother's site for more of What's Cooking Wednesday...she even has a nice pumpkin cake recipe up today!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Happy Belated Halloween!! :)