Nice and easy to prepare. I just love this idea of using roaster chickens to make something else. I mean, they are about 8 bucks and they are already cooked! It's great. And, Dave hacked this one up so the yuck factor was taken out of the cooking for me. Everything looked very pretty and it came together very quickly. And...most importantly...yep, it tasted really good. Dave gave it 7.5 out of 10 and said he'd eat it every couple of weeks. That is "steady" rotation around here and rates the "Good Enough to Eat" seal of approval. The girls also liked it, but would have preferred the veggies sans the basil pesto: a little too fancy-smancy for them.
{oh and, yes, Dave got his knickers in a twist when he saw me adding peas to the pot. He said, "Well, now you've just ruined it". I knew he would be a baby about the peas so I was trying to just sneak them in there. After dinner I asked if he would have liked it better without the peas and he said, "Actually, I didn't even noticed them. It was fine". It's hard to convice someone who ate a lot of canned peas as a child that fresh or frozen peas are not the same thing. But, he is coming along} ;-)
For more ideas on what to make for dinner (or desert! or for a snack!) please head on over to the Fairy Blogmother's site right HERE (and you can check out both Shan and Mike's award winning creations - although...Mike had to cheat to beat Shan...but...you know...whatever...) ;-)
Here are your Directions (given in "real time" as Sandi does, which I love):
Dave and I both really, really, enjoyed this dish and I'm not even a big shrimp fan. In fact, I think this is the first time I've ever been able to eat a "shrimp" dinner. It's just one of those (unfortunately, many) foods that grosses me out. But, every once in awhile I start to feel pretty guilty about cooking yet another chicken dinner, so this was great.
Not only that, but we had a little surprise guest over that night. Maddie's friend from school popped by while I was in the kitchen whipping up dinner. We called her Dad to see if she could stay for dinner: "Sure, we have plenty - no problem at all". So cool. It was a moment. I felt like Martha Stewart: ever ready for dinner guests, with lots of food and even a clean house. Now, mind you, this only happened because all the stars were properly aligned and my moon was in the 7th house, or something like that, and it will probably never happen again, but I was lovin' it.
As for the kids, well...mine ate the food and liked it, but were anxious to get down from the table to go play. Our guest, who "loves shrimp...and cheese...just not that white kind of cheese" didn't eat too much. But, that was okay...they still all had fun and I, I, was Martha Stewart for one shining moment.
And that is What's Cooking Wednesday {and my Chimney Sweep just left}. For more WCW ideas please check out The Fairy BlogMother's site right HERE. She couldn't bother her a** to participate this week, but at least the rest of us have.
{Just Kidding, Shan! Mwahh!} ;-)
Makes 5 servings.
Per serving: 293 cal, 11.4 g total fat, 5 g sat. fat, 33 g protein, 15 g carbs, 2.9 g fiber, 105 mg cholesterol, 483 mg sodium.
Verdicts: Well, you already know I love, love, loved it! Dave also thought it was really, really, good and despite my giving him a HUGE plateful (at which point I said, "Oh, I really gave you a ton there. Don't feel like you have to eat it all"), he DID eat it all. And the girls? Two thumbs up from both of them...and I really love that they are enjoying foods with flavour and not just sticking to bland, blah, stuff. Good for them! :0)
For more ideas on what the heck you can cook for dinner...please check out the Fairy BlogMother's blog and the home of What's Cooking Wednesday!!
p.s. You can see from my picture that I didn't add cilantro. Well, Fortinos didn't have any. :-P Too bad, because I really LOVE cilantro (as does my bun, bun). Just imagine how good it would have been if I had some of that on top, too! :)