Here's what you do:
Per serving (if you care): 610 calories, 42 grams of protein, 74 g of carbohydrates, 20 g of fat (only 4 saturated), 17 g fiber, 850 milligrams of sodium.
Verdict:(As all of this is going on you can get your salad ready and set the table. Sandi suggests sprinkling some seasoning salt on the fries before cooking.)
Really, really, yummy. Dave and the girls and I...we all loved it. So much better than those completely gross and gooey frozen fish sticks you can buy at the grocery store. Nice and light and fresh and just plain old good food. Dave said this meal should go into "heavy rotation" (meaning once per week). Only problem I encountered was I forgot to buy "5 minute fries" so my fries were not done in time with the fish. Sandi says to buy 5 minute fries, but cook them for 10 minutes. Great meal! And healthy! Loved it.
Note on the cookbook: I've said it before, I'll say it again, "Excellent". If you don't have any of the "Cooking for the Rushed" cookbooks you HAVE to get them. I stopped using them for a bit because I was trying to make fancier stuff...and more vegetarian stuff...but they are just so great for keeping you organized and helping you to get an entire meal on the table in a very short amount of time. The books are Canadian, too, and you never have to worry about not knowing what an ingredient is (i.e. Garbanzo Beans=Chickpeas, Scallions=Green Onion, Creme Fraiche=HellifIknow) or if you will be able to find it. Highly recommended!