Hi everyone!!
Did you have a fabulous Halloween? Was it as quiet around your place as it was mine? I'd say we probably had about 60% of the kids we had last year! Crazy. And, we even bought extra chocolate this year so we wouldn't run out. I swear, my butt is getting bigger just
thinking about all the chocolate we have lying around this place. I saw on someone's Tweet (I'm really sorry...I forget who said it now) that they buy their kid's chocolates from them. The kids can then use the money to buy a toy, instead. Well, isn't that brilliant! We asked the kids what they thought about that and they thought it was a great idea, so we will totally be doing that next year. But, what do we do with all their junk? Suggestions??
Anyway, despite fewer kids we still had a fabulous time. My family went Trick or Treating with The Fairy Blogmother's family. She and her hubby were so funny to walk around with. I mean, you just had to be there to watch them doing the choreography from "Thriller" in the middle of the road.
Priceless! {One of our neighbours sets out a massive stereo system every year and cranks up the theme music. It makes things so festive on our little street!}. You can read more about the night and see one pic. of all the kids (who were able to make it...poor Maya was home sick) right
HERE. I'm waiting for my MIL to send me some pics (we just used her camera...) and when she does I'll give you some cold, hard, evidence of how incredibly cute my little girlies were. ;-)
Until then...
I just wanted to say that....
Gawd Help MeI have decided to take the plunge into
scrapbooking. Do I have time for this?
No. Not at all. I still have photos to process, a Photo Blog to update, a Photo Website to
create (I bought the thing a few weeks ago now, and haven't even looked at it), and two more photo-shoots to do. I mean, don't get me wrong...I'm so thrilled and really, really, um...what's the word? Shocked? Surprised? Happy? Honoured? to have people ask me to photograph their kids...without even having ever
advertised my services...but I just wish I could get some block of time to get that whole biz. thing
organized. I kind of feel like my horses have gone running out of the barn...or...uh...what is that saying? Well, I haven't started my business, yet...but it's going ahead almost without me!! :-0 What a thing to complain about, huh? Yeah...that and "my wallet is too small for my fifties and my diamond shoes are too tight".
Sooooo...to make a long story (a bit) short-er...I am still going ahead with the scrapbooking thing.
WHY?! you ask?
Well, as the Blogmother will tell you...
my horrible, shameful, secret is...I have picture frames hanging on my walls that contain pictures of
other people's kids and dogs in them. I hung them up to see how they would look, fully intending to put, you know,
our pictures in them- but I haven't yet!! Isn't that ridiculously awful? And, despite having three gorgeous babies and a burgeoning photography business, I have next to no pictures of them anywhere! No albums, no frames, no canvases...nothing.
So I am officially kicking myself in the pants. And it all starts
(FANTASTIC book my Stacy Julian which has totally helped me with a plan of attack for organizing my stuff so I can get going)
(4-Drawer Storage Cube...part of Stacy's "Library of Memories" System)
(my very first "
I'm a Scrapbooker" purchase - a 3" square craft punch...also to help implement Stacy's system)
HERE(Ali Edwards "December Daily" Project. I'm hoping this will be my first paper scrapbooking success. I hope you'll pop over to the link, read all about it, and join the fun. If you do...please let me know so I can check out your progress, too.)
All for now! Gotta go set up my Storage Cube!!!